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Morpheus Labs’ Third Update Frequency on Github

The nature of our blockchain solution is different from public blockchain projects — we are a “for profit” company that is generating revenues from clients and intends to bolster our token ecosystem with increased business activity

Here’s our third Update Frequency of Morpheus Labs. Once again, we would like to assure our community that our private platform repositories are being updated on a consistent basis, and there is thorough due diligence progress followed for every partner that we work with.

Below are some of the statistics that we can share from our GitHub progress;

Morpheus Labs Blockchain Platform-as-a-Service GitHub Statistics Main Figures:

Total Lines of Code: 168,769

Total Commits: 9791

About Morpheus Labs

Morpheus Labs is a Blockchain-Platform-As-A-Service (BPaaS) provider offering mission-critical tools, infrastructure, various blockchain protocols, and blockchain use case references for enterprises and developers to build, experiment and manage their own applications effortlessly at minimal cost and time. Armed with relevant capabilities, the platform offers a multitude of intuitive solutions that enables developers and enterprises alike to take advantage of its platform to build effective solutions for various use cases. Start building for free on Morpheus Labs SEED!

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