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Morpheus Labs SEED Application Programming Interface (API)
This article was contributed by Dorel, CIO of Morpheus Labs
What Is API
For those who are unfamiliar with software development, an API (the abbreviation for application programming interface) is an interface that allows different software components to communicate and share data with each other according to a set of clearly defined methods of communication.
Let’s use the restaurant analogy. A customer(user) can browse a menu of food(API references) and call upon the waiter to order a dish. The customer doesn’t care about the details of how it gets made and the chef won’t tell you anyway because its his secret recipe. The customer does however want to be able to pass arguments so their steak can be ordered well done just how they like it.
Morpheus Labs SEED API
The ML SEED APIs allows partners, enterprise customers, or any developer, to create application software based on the data that API returns. So, when Morpheus Labs SEED offers APIs to the interested stakeholders in a way as mentioned above, it basically means that we have built an API ecosystem.
Who is part of the API ecosystem?
The answer lies in the ML SEED ecosystem, which works with other API providers (e.g. ML blockchain partners, Financial Institutions (FI) API, cloud providers like AWS and Huawei) and platform consumers (e.g. developers, enterprise customers, system integrators) to use ML SEED benefitting from a previously unimaginable customer experiences and use cases. The ability to build APIs on top of other APIs leads to a rapid proliferation of usability that is contributing to the ML SEED economy model.

No | Question | Respondent |
1 | I saw that for the launchpad – there are quite a few customers/projects. Can you share what Morpheus Labs looks for in a project before on-boarding them? | Pei-Han |
2 | Can you tell us more on how Morpheus Labs solutions apply to the real world business, enterprise or educational needs? | Dorel |
3 | What new additions to the services offered would you like to add in the future? The launchpad seems to be a good move. Will we see more of it or do you all see the launchpad propelling Morpheus Labs forward? | Pei-Han |
How ML SEED API economy works ?
At the heart of ML SEED service model is the Morpheus Infrastructure Token (MITx) which plays the utility token role. As announced on many occasions, Morpheus Labs continuously endeavors to enhance the current MITx token economics in many ways.
The API economy is going to boost the overall MITx token economics and ML SEED business as a whole. You can see the ML SEED as a compilation of Lego blocks that we can externalize and interconnect for the benefits of ecosystems.
Let’s take as example of a Lego blocks one of the ML SEED service that is ERC20 and ERC721 Token Factory. The service provides useful feature such as define and deploy token contracts for ERC20 and ERC721 tokens while the related APIs provide a major flexibility in configuring the token functionalities programmatically from any external application. Let’s now see how the API economy plugs into the Token Economy and vice versa.
The publisher ML SEED provides the ERC20 and ERC721 Factory service to multiple subscribers and wishes to receive compensation on a periodic interval. The publisher will deploy a lightweight subscription contract to represent the service.
Then, the publisher immediately sends subscribers a link to terms which they sign as a single, meta transaction. This meta transaction is sent to the publisher and/or a third party network that is incentivized.
This incentive can be sent by the publisher, the subscriber, or the subscription contract.

How ML SEED API works?
SEED API are divided into two main categories: the first, the platform related APIs, consists of a set of APIs that programmers can use to interact with the platform features (examples are interact with runtime of the workspace and applications, create/run a blockchain nodes and consortium, interact with SEED services like crypto assets managers, distributed storage interact, certification and validation, interact with AppLibrary); the second, resource related APIs, includes APIs that programmers can use to interact with the resources created by the user (examples are list specific blockchain accounts, create blockchain wallet, get/send data from/to an ERC20 or ERC721 service…).

Figure 2 Platform related APIs

Figure 3 Resource related APIs
Concluding remarks
By making data available via API, Morpheus Labs SEED can support its ecosystem to faster and the use of blockchain agnosticism from third-party entities and externally. The APIs can provide greater flexibility in delivering its services to our partner’s developer communities. Morpheus Labs will continue to the road of distributed and modular architectures and with API will open more to the open-sources scenario in the future.