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Morpheus Labs and Huawei Cloud Joined Hands To Drive Blockchain Adoption in a Healthy and Positive Ecosystem
You may have heard in the news that some of the biggest companies in the world are investing or getting involved with cryptocurrencies. Organizations today are exploring how blockchain technology is able to enhance their operations and boost their bottom line. Acting as an information bridge for executives and organizations on why and how to adopt blockchain, Morpheus Labs recently co-organized a webinar (symposium) with HUAWEI CLOUD.
This is among the first symposium globally that focused on accelerating innovations in FinTech with Blockchain and AI.
Inaugural Symposium Highlights
The webinar was aimed at helping businesses and organizations (mainly Fintech & Financial sectors for this symposium) understand how they can implement and scale their businesses with blockchain solutions.
As part of the joint GTM strategy with Huawei Cloud, Morpheus Labs, the co-organizer of the symposium announced that it is joining hands with its blockchain partners to attain exposure together to drive and promote blockchain adoption.
This is part of the greater strategy that both Huawei and Morpheus Labs planned — to drive up the adoption rate of Blockchain technology in a healthy and positive ecosystem. Since Morpheus Labs and Huawei are already intimately involved in enterprise blockchain solutions, they will be able to facilitate network implementations and can connect businesses with various blockchain resources.
Symposium Overview
- Industry Leaders from Government and leading private sectors organizations including Temasek, PwC Singapore, R3, Huawei and more
- Thought-Provoking panelists and speakers
- Symbolic collaboration and partnership — to forge a closer blockchain ecosystem
The inaugural symposium took place on February 25th, 2021. This event setup was a little different due to the ongoing pandemic. It was organized to be hybrid, offering both online and offline options for event participants. The symposium was Fintech and financial sector focused, targeting tech-minded organizations that work with applications in the cloud, as well as blockchain-based solutions.
Main organiser: HUAWEI CLOUDThe leading global provider of information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure and smart devices. Huawei has recently invested heavily into the blockchain globally — recently establishing a stronghold in South-East Asia through the Huawei Spark Program.
Co-organiser: Morpheus LabsBlockchain-Platform-As-A-Service (BPaaS) provider offering mission-critical tools, infrastructure, various blockchain protocols, and blockchain use case references for enterprises and developers to build, experiment, and manage their own applications effortlessly at minimal cost and time.
Attendees of Symposium
The keynote segments and panels were led by some of the best known thought leaders in the fintech space including the likes of MD, CTO and CSO of Huawei, the CEO of Morpheus Labs, Risk Assurance and Digital Business Leader of PwC Singapore, President of Singapore Fintech Association, the Associate Director of Temasek and the banking Practice Lead of Accenture (S.E.A). Learn more about the speakers line up here.
Here’s a quick overview of our speakers and topics at the webinar:

Other notable invitees of the symposium include Huawei’s enterprise VIPs Customers who are interested in Blockchain technology & Cloud service that may be useful to their corporations or their FinTech products. Many of whom were also interested to keep abreast with the latest digitalization news.
To name a few:
- Phillip Securities Pte Ltd
PhillipCapital offers a full range of quality and innovative services to retail and high net worth individuals, family offices, as well as corporate and institutional customers.
- V-Key
V-Key partners with major banks, governments, and mobile payment providers to provide seamless and secure end-user experiences through the customer journey.
- Narwhal Financial Systems Pte Ltd
Narfin is a finance SaaS provider, providing financial services companies an edge over the competition with flexible digital offerings.
- SGTECH Blockchain Committee
SGTech, formerly SITF, provides business outreach and opportunities for companies in the technology industry in Singapore.
- Onchain Custodian
Headquartered in Singapore, Onchain Custodian® (ONC) offers a global, standardised, resilient, insured and compliant custody service for the safekeeping of institutional digital asset investments with incomparable user experience.
- Lu Global
An international arm of the Fintech unicorn Lufax, LU Global is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Lufax Holding and a member of PingAn group.
Takeaways From Industry Leaders

Greg Unsworth,
Digital Business Leader & Risk Assurance of PwC Singapore, shared his valuable insights in the 4Cs that will shape financial services of the future. Where customers are enabled like never before — customers are given more choices in terms of different services and products that they have tapped into from the financial perspective; there is a continuing need for traditional banks to evolve, offer digital-friendly and consumer-friendly service offerings.

Anson Shen,
Chief Strategy Officer of Huawei Cloud & AI APAC, talked about HUAWEI Cloud’s capabilities, security infrastructure and services, Huawei’s business success, its global footprint and Huawei’s customers in the financial service industry. He also shared his observations on the trend and innovations in the financial world, and their key to future success.

Pei Han,
CEO of Morpheus Labs began his keynote speech by sharing a recent event with his children in an outing, relating to how businesses respond to new innovations and technologies. Zooming into finance digital transformation will be among the key areas where blockchain technology will bloom in the near future. He talked about the importance of having the right tools and infrastructure to achieve rapid prototyping, cost efficiency and a fail-safe environment for businesses to build solutions on blockchain; the importance of integrating a reliable Cloud and building a business ecosystem.
The symposium started with the opening statement from Huawei’s chief strategy officer followed by presentations and speeches by each of the scheduled guest areas of expertise. Blockchain partners of Morpheus Labs, R3 and ProximaX were also invited to showcase their blockchain solutions.
Victor Boardman,
Head of Insurance at R3, took the audience through a few of the use cases that R3 is seeing in insurance; a recap of how far Corda blockchain technology has come to solving inefficiencies on blockchain distributed ledger.
Lastly, Nicholas Watson,
the Director Fintech Solutions of ProximaX introduced one of their white-label fintech products – a blockchain-powered wallet for payments. He addressed the query of why blockchain and its benefits, and how ProximaX developed the product with its features to benefit the fintech industry.
The inaugural symposium also included a panel discussion of distinguished guests from some of the largest firms globally. The panel discussed accelerating, driving up adoption rate, how banks of the future would look like, pushing the boundaries of innovation in the future Fintech sector – using Blockchain and AI technology. Panelists include:
- Chia Hock Lai, President of Singapore Fintech Association
- Prasenjit ‘PC’ Chakravarti, Banking Practice Lead of Accenture
- Wu Shiwei, Chief Technology Officer of Huawei Cloud & AI (APAC)
- Kelvin Lim, Associate Director of Temasek
- Dr Rex, Advisor of Morpheus Labs, Vice-chairman of BANSEA
- Greg Unsworth, Risk Assurance, Digital Business Leader, PwC Singapore
Mentions of free consultations, tech support, and networking with potential investors in future projects were also discussed in the Symposium. With all the innovation taking place in the space, Morpheus Labs and Huawei want to continue to build on it and form an incubator-like ecosystem for new and established projects.
Link to the full video:
About Morpheus Labs
Morpheus Labs is a Blockchain-Platform-As-A-Service (BPaaS) provider offering mission-critical tools, infrastructure, various blockchain protocols, and blockchain use case references for enterprises and developers to build, experiment, and manage their own applications effortlessly at minimal cost and time. Armed with relevant capabilities, the platform offers a multitude of intuitive solutions that enables developers and enterprises alike to take advantage of its platform to build effective solutions for various use cases. Start building for free on Morpheus Labs SEED!
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