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Huawei x Morpheus Labs Webinar  – Symbolic Significance

Huawei and Morpheus Labs will be conducting an important and symbolic joint webinar on the 25th of February 2021 from 1500 to 1710 (SGT time). As this is an inaugural webinar, the webinar will be open to private invites and respective stakeholders on-site. If you are in the blockchain industry or keen to be invited, kindly read the article and register your interest here.

Main organizer: HUAWEI CLOUD

The leading global provider of information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure and smart devices. Huawei has recently invested heavily into the blockchain globally — recently establishing a stronghold in South-East Asia through the Huawei Spark Program.

Co-organizer: Morpheus Labs

Blockchain-Platform-As-A-Service (BPaaS) provider offering mission-critical tools, infrastructure, various blockchain protocols, and blockchain use case references for enterprises and developers to build, experiment, and manage their own applications effortlessly at minimal cost and time.

Attending the webinar

Morpheus Labs is privileged to co-host this webinar with HUAWEI CLOUD. Our blockchain low-code platform solutions have been recognised by many in the industry as one of the market leaders. Get to know our unique story behind Morpheus Labs, learn from industry experts, meet the pioneers, network, or even set-up potential collaborations with like-minded personnel and organizations.

The best part — this is all absolutely free. This is the Morpheus Labs way of saying thank you to the blockchain community and beyond.

Due to the unique nature of this inaugural webinar format, demand for on-site slots has been overwhelming and we will prioritize potential attendees who will genuinely be able to benefit from this webinar.


The star-studded line-up of panelist and invitees

This webinar is poised to become one of the most important events in 2021. This hybrid event is a showcase of Innovative Cloud, AI technologies and Blockchain in the Fintech space, where we invited our valued partners & panelists to talk about blockchain solutions to resolve challenges faced in the industry. As it is the inaugural webinar between Huawei x Morpheus Labs, the team behind it is proud to present a star-studded line-up of industry experts and pioneers in the blockchain scene. Notable invitees and onboard partners include:

– R3 –

R3 is an enterprise software firm that is pioneering digital industry transformation. R3 is an enterprise software firm that is pioneering digital industry transformation. Working alongside the world’s leading financial institutions, R3 made a conscious decision in 2015 to leverage blockchain technology to solve real business problems in both complex and highly-regulated markets. Nasdaq, the architect and provider of the world’s most widely adopted market infrastructure technology and services, recently announced a partnership with distributed ledger technology provider R3.


ProximaX is a next-generation Integrated and Distributed Ledger Technology (“IaDLT”) development platform powered by blockchain technology. Known as ProximaX Sirius, it is supported by a multitude of plug-ins (core-services) such as streaming, storage, and Supercontracts; held together by a common blockchain protocol for identification, incentivization, message recording, state management and asset exchange. With the blockchain protocol having a standardized framework, further core services can be plugged-in to utilize the platform’s extendable infrastructure.

 – PwC Singapore –

Creating value for our clients, people and communities is at the heart of PwC. With a common purpose to build trust in society and solve important problems, we are a network of firms in 158 countries with more than 280,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in assurance, advisory and tax services. Our highly qualified, experienced professionals help organisations solve their business issues as well as identify and maximise the opportunities they seek. Our industry specialisation allows us to co-create solutions with our clients for their sector of interest.

PwC Singapore has been recognised as Best in Audit Services (CFO Innovation Awards 2018, 2017, 2015); Graduate Employer of the Year (Singapore’s 100 Leading Graduate Employers Award 2011-2020); Best Practice Award (Biennial Singapore Accountancy Awards 2016, 2015); and Best Tax Advisory (HFM Awards Asia 2015).

PwC refers to the PwC network and/or one or more of its member firms, each of which is a separate legal entity.© 2021 PwC. All rights reserved

Last year, Morpheus Labs was engaged by PwC Singapore to develop Smart Compliance, a regulatory compliance automation tool using the Robotic Automation Process (RPA) to replace traditional paper-based compliance management and monitoring processes. Learn more here.

– Accenture-

Accenture is a global professional services company with leading capabilities in digital, cloud and security. Combining unmatched experience and specialized skills across more than 40 industries, They offer Strategy and Consulting, Interactive, Technology and Operations services — all powered by the world’s largest network of Advanced Technology and Intelligent Operations centers. Accenture blockchain services help companies harness the power of blockchain with real-world applications from the leaders in the distributed ledger. Learn more:

– Temasek Holdings –

Temasek Holdings Limited is a Singaporean holding company, owned by the Government of Singapore. It will support efforts to find commercial applications for a project that explored the use of blockchain in the financial industry. Learn more:

-Singapore Fintech Association-

SFA is a cross-industry NON PROFIT initiative, intended to be a platform designed to facilitate collaboration between all market participants and stakeholders in the FinTech ecosystem. It is designed to be an effective platform for members to engage with multiple stakeholders to find solutions to issues.

Objective & Target Audience

The webinar has conceived with a common objective — to educate and aid in the adoption of blockchain technology among organizations in the Asia-Pacific region, including Singapore. Some of the objectives include –

  • Helping businesses in Singapore to understand and harness the benefits of implementing blockchain technology.
  • Engaging and sustaining a healthy blockchain ecosystem in Singapore( Huawei x Morpheus Labs collaborations to onboard new partners — making the transition smoother for new organizations to integrate/adopt blockchain ).
  • Raising awareness of both Huawei’s, Morpheus Labs’s and partners’ blockchain solution services.
  • Creating an opportunity for the C-level executives to connect and find synergy to work together.


Adopting blockchain technology optimally requires due diligence. The decision-making process should be a holistic horizontal and vertical decision. C-suites management needs to present the idea tactfully to their employees for blockchain to be implemented successfully.

Attendees of the webinar can expect to hear first-hand views on how blockchain technology is transforming and disrupting the usual norms from pioneers and industry experts. Onboard this webinar will also be much c-suite management personnel, business owners, blockchain experts, among many others.

Potential networking opportunities are plentiful as the webinar also aims to build up a healthy ecosystem beyond physical borders. A close-knitted community (be it online or physically) can interchange ideas, leverage each other’s strengths, or forge new partnerships.

The webinar allows attendees to put forward questions that they always wanted to know — direct from the industry experts and those who were among the pioneers. It is also a good opportunity to get valuable feedback on your services or even get noticed by potential collaborations and beyond.

About Morpheus Labs

Morpheus Labs is a Blockchain-Platform-As-A-Service (BPaaS) provider offering mission-critical tools, infrastructure, various blockchain protocols, and blockchain use case references for enterprises and developers to build, experiment, and manage their own applications effortlessly at minimal cost and time. Armed with relevant capabilities, the platform offers a multitude of intuitive solutions that enables developers and enterprises alike to take advantage of its platform to build effective solutions for various use cases. Start building for free on Morpheus Labs SEED!

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