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Enjoy Double Rewards in the Morpheus Labs Liquidity Campaign!
We rolled out a campaign for our community to earn MITx rewards by adding liquidity on Uniswap back in November and we’re happy to announce that we have decided to double the rewards to appreciate our community for your support. Wallets that provide ETH/MITx liquidity on Uniswap will be entitled to a share of up to USD10,000 worth in MITx every 30 calendar days (relative to how much you contribute to the pool). Just for providing liquidity on Uniswap, you can earn your piece of USD10,000 monthly in addition to your 0.3% Uniswap fee. All you have to do is make sure your ETH & MITx are held in the Uniswap pool for a minimum of 30 calendar days. This “Earn MITx” program is automatically renewed on a monthly basis unless you withdraw from the pool or otherwise stated.
How to Qualify
- You must lock in a minimum of 1 ETH worth of liquidity on the ETH/MITx pool for at least 30 calendar days (Eg. 3 March — 2 April 2020)
- Please register Your Ethereum and email address in this form.
At the end of each 30-day period, we will distribute MITx to those wallet addresses that have qualified and staked for liquidity, proportionate to their contribution. The more liquidity you add, the higher your percentage of USD10,000.
How to get MITx
You may purchase MITx on Uniswap, KuCoin, IDEX, Bitmax, Or Hotbit. If you already have MITx, then please ensure you’re providing liquidity on Uniswap based on the criteria stated above. MITx payouts will be sent to your whitelisted address at the end of each 30th calendar day. Check out the tutorial on how to buy Morpheus Infrastructure Tokens (MITx), or more popularly known as Morpheus Labs tokens (MITx) on Uniswap exchange.
– Addresses must be whitelisted for participation using our form.
– If you remove liquidity at any time, your previous progress will be erased. To qualify you must wait 30 calendar days starting from the next time you add liquidity.
– We reserve the right to modify or cancel the program at any time.
Disclaimer: Please keep in mind you cannot control the amount of any individual token (ETH or MITx) you get out of the pool. Sometimes the amount can consist of a larger share of ETH than MITx or vice versa. Morpheus has no control over lost funds on Uniswap.
MITX Tokenomic at a glance

For more information about MITx, please read our Tokenomics.
If you have questions about the campaign, drop us an email at marketing@
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